Face The World Together

One day, I went to a secluded area near Uluwatu to find a nice landscape to shoot, exploring many unknown roads and finally found a nice quiet area with wonderful view. There, I saw a poor couple playing with their sons while enjoying the scenery. They looked happy without any sadness although they have nothing, even they don't know whether they can eat or not for tomorrow. Then I realized, whatever our condition is, we should face it together. Family is everything.


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Meet The Author

Hi, my name's Duwi Mertiana, I was born & live in Bali (People called it Paradise Island whereas actually this is not really paradise anymore), but I love to live and grow on this island. Well, actually I'm not a photographer. I just a men with SLR camera. I like to shoot everything interesting for me and do some images processing on computer. No matters what people says about my photos, this is my arts :)